Sunday, March 17, 2013

Places to stay

You have a number of options of where to stay in during the weekend of our wedding. The main choice is to stay at the location of the wedding party: the Hotel Buchlov. The hotel has a capacity of 75, but this assumes full occupancy of every room. The other option is to stay in an adjacent Buchlovsky Dvur, which has a total bed capacity of 18 beds across 4 rooms. The other places are available about 10km drive away in Lazne Leopoldov or Hotel Buchlovice.

Ideally, we would like to fit in as many people in Hotel Buchlov and Buchlovsky Dvur as possible so we reduce the number of people who will have a take a taxi after the party ends. However, as we invited just over 100 people, it will be necessary for some of you to stay elesewhere. There are other places as charismatic as the main hotel close-by so it should not cause any a problem to get there.

How should you book the accommodation?
  • Contact Marta at to tell me your preferred room size
  • If the size of room is available, I will book the room and ask you at later stage to send me the accommodation fee. We have arranged a special rate with the Hotel Buchlov owners which is 500Kc per person per night (approx. 17 Pounds). 
  • If you want to stay for more than 1 night I will also book your stay for the whole time. The Buchlov Hotel is currently pre-booked for all three days from Friday 30.8 till Monday 2.9 so it should not be a problem to stay longer if you wish to explore the region. 
  • Accommodation in the adjacent Buchlovsky dvur will be handled through us too.
  • If rooms are not available for you in Hotel Buchlov or Buchlovsky Dvur, then I would suggest contacting the other two places and reserve your stay that way. Their rates are slightly higher, but still manageable.

Websites for recommended accommodation:

Hotel Buchlov-
Buchlovsky Dvur -
Lazne Leopoldov -
Hotel Buchlovice -

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