Saturday, July 6, 2013

Wedding presents cont.

Some people keep asking if we are doing a registry. We have decided not to go down that route due to the transient nature of our life (I am not getting all existential on you, just referring to the practicalities of currently being an international nomad). We are gratefully accepting donations to our honeymoon / getting on the housing ladder fund. 

Giving money as a present can seem a bit impersonal. We are planning on going to Peru for our honeymoon. I have done a bit of research into Peruvian prices and created a list of things that you can gift us for this trip if you would like to give us something specific.

  • A beer: £1.10
  • A pisco sour £1.50
  • A bottle of pisco £3 (I think we are going to be drinking a lot of pisco)
  • A restaurant meal: £35
  • Car hire for a day £45
  • A night in a resort £250

The general plan is to spend the first half trekking and the second half somewhere very comfortable. 

For people who are not going to be able to attend but would like to give us a present you can employ the following digits. Please make sure you include a memo!

JMC Ceadel

See you guys soon. 
