Sunday, June 9, 2013

Wedding Presents!

Many of you have been kind enough to ask us what we would like for a wedding present and if we are doing a registry etc. Rather like those two birds we are on the move. We are currently living in Austin but probably for only another 18 months - 2 years and after that we don't know exactly where we are going to land (it will be Europe - nobody need worry about us emigrating) and make a nest thus asking for household furnishings doesn't make a great deal of sense. 

We are however saving up to buy a house / flat and we are also planning on going to Peru for our honeymoon in November so we would gratefully accept donations to this fund. I know that there are some family members and others who are unable to attend but would still like to give us a present. We will set up an online mechanism for this but for everyone else we would like to do this the old fashioned way so that we can actually thank you personally.

Looking forward to seeing you all in August!